Sunday, February 24, 2013

Untold story of CMMI, successful project does not lead to successsful organization!

As I look at pictures of moments cherished in celebrating the success of CMMI, I feel that it was perhaps fake expression of emotions by everyone …was it? But some were truly feeling happy and was I one of them? No…I was not one of them who felt excited with the success since I knew this success will die as soon as the day ends "today". As the days passed, as expected the huge card bungalow of CMMI fell with a blow of wind of divestment. No one seemed surprised or shocked as if they already knew the destiny.

But what wonders me is the question "would we have spent so much of money from our pocket to make this project success knowing its fate?" I am sure 3 million rupees for an individual means a lot. Yet we spend the money on making a project look successful on "paper".  But when everyone around knew that this will not sustain, expenses were still incurred till the end of the project. And now when we have CMMI which stands invalid no one is willing to talk about why did we buy it in the first place? Were we driven by our own agenda, our own unit agenda or our own organization agenda?


Now that we are moving towards projectized organization, this is an example of successful project. On time, on budget and on schedule with complete objectives met. This is true successful project but I think where we have failed is long term objective and benefits. The answer to the simple questions “who will benefit out of this initiative” was never asked..deliberately..I don’t know if it was deliberate. So delivering successful project means successful organization? Not at all…the project failed on real values of “Loyalty” When I say “Loyalty” in the true sense it means that we failed to be loyal with our organization. We were afraid of telling the truth or even facing the truth. We were afraid (not sure afraid but deliberately ignored) asking the right questions like “what is the future?”

So unless employees become loyal and fearless about declaring their project as “failed”, we can never stop the death march

Am i "disturbed"?

It has been a recent realization that i am coninuously disturbed. And what does that mean?  I think my ability to work on a task for a longer time is reduced. I am unable to take up some taks which lasts longers than an hour. When i think hard aout why this been happening. I think i have figured out the culprints

1. It is first myself who has got into a habit of leaving things at 90% completion
2. I am equipped with enough distractors like communicator, FB, Phone, mails, linkedin

Knowing that it is first myself who has chosen to get distracted, i can easily blame all the tools in point 2 which i have added to my distraction list.
I think here reading stuff like "you are responsible for what you are" wont help here. What i need to call for is strong deteermination towards not letting myself distracted. And how can i do that?
What are the real action item for myself - :

  1. I have educate and mould myself to complete task 100%. And believe me thats been very very difficult. But only will power can help me there.
  2.  I have to decide priority, even where there is a ping, i need to check if thats more important than what i am doing currently.
  3. Turning off these actions is going to make me more restless and there would be a felling of "disconeected" . So even though all these distractions are "On", i need to learn to develop my own concentration
Realization is important but not as important as acting on it. I need to make a resolution to make it happen.