Sunday, February 24, 2013

Am i "disturbed"?

It has been a recent realization that i am coninuously disturbed. And what does that mean?  I think my ability to work on a task for a longer time is reduced. I am unable to take up some taks which lasts longers than an hour. When i think hard aout why this been happening. I think i have figured out the culprints

1. It is first myself who has got into a habit of leaving things at 90% completion
2. I am equipped with enough distractors like communicator, FB, Phone, mails, linkedin

Knowing that it is first myself who has chosen to get distracted, i can easily blame all the tools in point 2 which i have added to my distraction list.
I think here reading stuff like "you are responsible for what you are" wont help here. What i need to call for is strong deteermination towards not letting myself distracted. And how can i do that?
What are the real action item for myself - :

  1. I have educate and mould myself to complete task 100%. And believe me thats been very very difficult. But only will power can help me there.
  2.  I have to decide priority, even where there is a ping, i need to check if thats more important than what i am doing currently.
  3. Turning off these actions is going to make me more restless and there would be a felling of "disconeected" . So even though all these distractions are "On", i need to learn to develop my own concentration
Realization is important but not as important as acting on it. I need to make a resolution to make it happen.


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